gFinger 손끝으로 만드는 세상


자바 스크립트로 2001년 1월에 만든 Stack Demo 프로그램



<title> Html Stack </title>

<script language="javascript">
// [ ]---------------------------------------[ ]
//  |             Stack Object                |
//  |                         Written by lng  |
//  |                            2001. 1. xx  |
// [ ]---------------------------------------[ ]

   function Push(TrVal)
      this.Stack[this.Head] = TrVal

   function Pop()
     if (this.Head>0)
         return this.Stack[this.Head+1]
         return null

   function GetTop()
     if (this.Head>0)
         return this.Stack[this.Head]
         return null
   function GetnValue(nValue)
     if (this.Head>=nValue)
         return this.Stack[nValue]
         return null

   function Getn()
      return this.Head

   function IsEmpty()
     if (this.Head>0)
         return false
         return true

   function ProStack()

      this.Head = 0
      this.Push = Push           // Push a value to the stack
      this.Pop = Pop             // Pop a value to the stack
      this.ViewTop = GetTop      // Get a value which is the value on top of the stack
      this.IsEmpty = IsEmpty     // Check the stack which is empty or not
      this.GetnValue = GetnValue // Get a value which is the value of n'st in the stack
      this.GetTop = GetTop      
      this.Getn = Getn
      this.Stack = new Array()
      return this


<form name="stack">
   <h2> STACK DEMO </h>
   <br> <br> <br>
   <input type="button" name="but0" value="push 0" onClick="PushItem('0')">
   <input type="button" name="but1" value="push 1" onClick="PushItem('1')">
   <input type="button" name="but2" value="push 2" onClick="PushItem('2')">
   <input type="button" name="but3" value="push 3" onClick="PushItem('3')">
   <input type="button" name="but4" value="push 4" onClick="PushItem('4')">
   <input type="button" name="but5" value="push 5" onClick="PushItem('5')">
   <input type="button" name="but6" value="push 6" onClick="PushItem('6')">
   <input type="button" name="but7" value="push 7" onClick="PushItem('7')">
   <input type="button" name="but8" value="push 8" onClick="PushItem('8')">
   <input type="button" name="but9" value="push 9" onClick="PushItem('9')">
   <input type="button" name="but9" value="pop" onClick="PopItem()">
     <table border=0>
           <th> bottom of the stack</th>
           <th> <-------------------------------------------------------------------> </th>
           <th> top of the stack</th>
     <input type="text" name="text1" value=" " size=100> <br>
     Number of item in the stack :  <input type="text" name="text2" value=" " size=2> 

<script language="javascript">
   TStack = new ProStack
   function PushItem(AValue)

   function PopItem(AValue)

   function DisplayStack()
      var i
      i = TStack.Getn()
      document.stack.text1.value = ""
      document.stack.text2.value = i
           = document.stack.text1.value + " < " + TStack.GetnValue(i) + " > "


오래전 하드 디스크를 뒤져 보다가 2001년 1월에 자바 스크립트로 만든 계산기가 있었다.










<title> Html 계산기 </title>

<script language="javascript">
// [ ]---------------------------------------[ ]
//  |             Stack Object                |
//  |                         Written by lng  |
//  |                            2001. 1. xx  |
// [ ]---------------------------------------[ ]

   function Push(TrVal)
      this.Stack[this.Head] = TrVal

   function Pop()
     if (this.Head>0)
         return this.Stack[this.Head+1]
         return null

   function GetTop()
     if (this.Head>0)
         return this.Stack[this.Head]
         return null
   function GetnValue(nValue)
     if (this.Head>=nValue)
         return this.Stack[nValue]
         return null

   function Getn()
      return this.Head

   function IsEmpty()
     if (this.Head>0)
         return false
         return true

   function ProStack()

      this.Head = 0
      this.Push = Push           // Push a value to the stack
      this.Pop = Pop             // Pop a value to the stack
      this.ViewTop = GetTop      // Get a value which is the value on top of the stack
      this.IsEmpty = IsEmpty     // Check the stack which is empty or not
      this.GetnValue = GetnValue // Get a value which is the value of n'st in the stack
      this.GetTop = GetTop      
      this.Getn = Getn
      this.Stack = new Array()
      return this


<form name="calc">
   <table cellspaceing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1>
      <th colspan=6> 
         <input type=text size=44 name=LCD align=right>
          <td align=center> <input type=text value="    " size=5 name=MemoryDisplay> </td>
          <td align=center colspan=2> <input type=button value="Backspace" name=BackSpace
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'BS')" > </td>
          <td colspan=2 align=center> <input type=button value="      CE      " name=CE
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'CE')"  > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="   C    " name=C
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'C')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="  MC  " name=MemoryClear
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'MC')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    7  " name=Seven
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '7')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    8  " name=Eight
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '8')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    9  " name=Nine
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '9')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    /  " name=Slash
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '/')"  > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="  Sqrt " name=Sqrt
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'SQRT')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="  MR  " name=MemoryRestore
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'MR')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    4  " name=Four
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '4')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    5  " name=Five
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '5')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    6  " name=Six
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '6')"  > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    *  " name=Multifly
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'MUL')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    %  " name=Percent
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'PER')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="  MS  " name=MemorySave
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'MS')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    1  " name=One
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '1')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    2  " name=Two
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '2')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    3  " name=Three
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '3')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    -  " name=Minus
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'MINUS')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="   1/x " name=Reverse
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'REV')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="   M+  " name=MemoryPlus
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'MP')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    0  " name=Zero
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, '0')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="  +/- " name=Significant
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'SIG')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="    .   " name=Point
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'POINT')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="   +   " name=Plus
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'PLUS')" > </td>
          <td align=center> <input type=button value="     =   " name=Equal
              onClick="ExpAna(document.calc.LCD, 'EQUAL')" > </td>

   <input type=text size=44 name=debug align=right>

<script language="javascript">
   var AutoStatus=0   // Automata status. now Start status

   TStack = new ProStack()

   function ExpAna(LCD, KeyVal)
     switch (AutoStatus)
        case 0 :
           if (KeyVal >= "0" && KeyVal <="9")
              LCD.value = KeyVal
              AutoStatus = 1

        case 1 :
           if (KeyVal == "BS")
              document.calc.debug.value = LCD.value.length
              LCD.value = LCD.value.substring(0,LCD.value.length-1)
           else if (KeyVal >= "0" && KeyVal <="9")
              LCD.value = LCD.value + KeyVal
        default :
